Do you want to start a business?

Learn from the best

Our professors are world-class researchers from the Ivey Business School at Western University, bringing their expertise and experience to this course.

Learn at your pace

Whether you’re a self-starter with an already-active business, or simply eager to test the waters, this FREE online course will support your unique entrepreneurial journey.

Learn for free

Delivered 100% online, access all learning modules and tests anywhere! This course provides you with the freedom to learn what you want, when you want. Just log in and go!

Course Content

Module 1: The Entrepreneurial ProcessCollapsed view of Module 1: The Entrepreneurial Process Contents, press Enter or Double-Tap to Expand and read contents, or Tab to Continue
Module 2: IdeationCollapsed view of Module 2: Ideation Contents, press Enter or Double-Tap to Expand and read contents, or Tab to Continue
Module 3: Exploring SolutionsCollapsed view of Module 3: Exploring Solutions Contents, press Enter or Double-Tap to Expand and read contents, or Tab to Continue
Module 4: First Launch & TractionCollapsed view of Module 4: First Launch & Traction Contents, press Enter or Double-Tap to Expand and read contents, or Tab to Continue
Module 5: Planning & FinancingCollapsed view of Module 5: Planning & Financing Contents, press Enter or Double-Tap to Expand and read contents, or Tab to Continue
Module 6: Go-To-Market PlanCollapsed view of Module 6: Go-To-Market Plan Contents, press Enter or Double-Tap to Expand and read contents, or Tab to Continue
Module 7: Growth & Scaling UpCollapsed view of Module 7: Growth & Scaling Up Contents, press Enter or Double-Tap to Expand and read contents, or Tab to Continue
Module 8: Social EnterpriseCollapsed view of Module 8: Social Enterprise Contents, press Enter or Double-Tap to Expand and read contents, or Tab to Continue

Success Stories

"You might have a great idea, but you don't know how to proceed. The Founder's Journey takes you from the macro to the micro."

- Michael Patrick, Founder of Black Beauty Fabworks

"Instead of Friday night movies, we do Friday night modules. We learned every step of the way and now we're here - Color Me Inc."

- Yusef, Omar, Ali & Karim, Founders of Color Me Inc.

Take Your Skillset To The Next Level

Finish all eight learning modules and tests to receive a The Founder's Journey certificate of completion2.

Western Morrissette Institute For Entrepreneurship, Powered by Ivey. Certificate of Completion for The Founder's Journey - An Entrepreneurial Process. Your name and date of completion. The course The Founder's Journey - An Entrepreneurial Process is offered in collaboration with Morrissette Institute for Entrepreneurship. RBC Future Launch, and The Globe and Mail. The course is intended for personal knowledge and skills development. It is non-credit, non-transcript, and does not count towards any Western University program, degree, diploma or certificate. RBC Future Launch, The Globe And Mail.

A collaboration of

Footer logo - Western University, RBC Future Launch, The Globe and MailFooter logo - Western University, RBC Future Launch, The Globe and Mail

¹The Morrissette Institute for Entrepreneurship “The Founder’s Journey- An Entrepreneurial Process” course, presented in collaboration with the Royal Bank of Canada and Globe & Mail, offers general information only; the information is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. While information presented on the Website is believed to be factual and current, it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expression of opinion reflect those of the individual professor and are subject to change.

²The information in the Morrissette Institute for Entrepreneurship “The Founder’s Journey- An Entrepreneurial Process” is intended for personal knowledge and skills development. The course is non-credit, non-transcript and does not count towards any program, degree, diploma or certificate at Western University.

Morrissette Institute for Entrepreneurship, Ivey Business School and any of its logos and marks are official marks of University of Western Ontario. Used under license. RBC, Royal Bank and RBC Future Launch are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under license. The Globe and Mail is a registered trademark of The Globe and Mail Inc. Used under license.